In Memoriam Marty Privalsky

Farewell to Marty Privalsky from his lab website

In Memoriam from the University of California Academic Senate [full article]

Marty was the epitome of a University of California faculty member: a superb scientist, gifted teacher and mentor, and strong advocate for shared university governance. His contributions to the department, college and campus were profound, made with kindness, humor, and humanity.

Wolf-Dietrich Heyer
Douglas Nelson
Chester Price

Memorial Lecture fund [donate]

Please make a gift to help us honor the life and career of Martin L. Privalsky by supporting one or more lectures in his memory.

The inaugural memorial lecture was held on January 19, 2023 [Tweet]

Marty Privalsky sailing

In Memoriam from the department chair [full article]

Let us focus on all the wonderful memories of Marty and the precious gift he was to his colleagues, friends and students.

Wolf-Dietrich Heyer

Obituary from the Davis Enterprise [full article]

Marty earned the official title “Distinguished Professor” based on his scholarly achievements and teaching career. Undergraduates on called him “a very nice man” (more than once!) and “hilarious,” but accused him of “blazing through 82.8 slide PowerPoints” and expecting one to “swallow the material like ice cream.”