Academic Personnel positions, listed in Recruit:
- 2025 MMG Junior Specialist - Charles-Orszag lab: JPF07009
- Associate Specialist, Diaz-Munoz lab: JPF06700
- MMG Cancer Biology Professor: JPF06905
Academic Personnel positions (not listed in Recruit):
- None at this time.
Graduate Students seeking a teaching assistant or grader position, should submit an application via the Online TA / Grader Application system (hosted by MCB).
Staff positions:
- None at this time.
Additional staff positions would be listed in the UC Davis Careers site.
UC Davis Jobs (HR Jobs) in other College of Biological Science departments & centers:
- Evolution & Ecology (EVE) Job Postings
- Molecular & Cellular Biology (MCB) Jobs
- Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior (NPB) Careers
- Plant Biology (PLB) Jobs
- Genome Center ( ) Jobs
- Center for Neuroscience (CNS) Employment Opportunities